Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Read Holy Quran Verses Online Islamic References & Recitation

There is a very low minimum start up has been setup and then pay in installment and pay as you move on with studies without payment due date, offering much flexibility to studies still continue with studies. ALIM’s aim is to build future scholars and professional student of knowledge of Islam. The power of authentic knowledge is a protection towards division in Islam and from misguided. Islam teaches not to divide and ALIM system of education based purely on Quran and authentic traditions with providing academic education with partial curriculum based on Islamic University of Madinah, Saudi Arabia.

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ALIM is a tuition-free academic university with one time registration fee and per semester fee with simple method of payment. ALIM has made it system, that any student in any country would be able to afford and still get academic degree with high quality education. ALIM is offering the payment options for those with least sources, and willing to study and like to have degree in Islamic studies or any major.

Quran Classes Online, Tajweed And Memorizing Plans

ALIM has planned to complete entire Tafsir and Hadith book in entire years until MA thesis. Fiqh-us-Sunnah The Ahadith collection about Fiqh written by Shaikh Sayyid Saabiq. Al-Muwatta One of the earliest collections of Ahadith text based on the subjects of Islamic Law, compiled by Imam Malik Ibn Anas.

Sahih Muslim One of the major and authentic Ahadith collection about the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad compiled by Imam Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj. Our weighted blanket has officially landed and is here to help you have the best nights sleep possible. Whether you need a BA in Islamic studies to get into a career or want a MA in academic program to move up in your current career, ALIM has an online program for you. Sahih Al-Bukhari The most authentic Ahadith collection of the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad written by Imam Muhammad al-Bukhari.


So you can continue to enjoy every aspect of your life while earning your online degree. ALIM has planned to complete entire Tafsir and Hadith books in entire years until MA thesis. Going thru each semester, ALIM planned to complete each volume of Tafsir and Hadith in each semester by going thru quiz and exams and written assignments. Students will have free broad options to choose either field they wanted to master in like Quran Tafsir, Hadith, Fiqh up to MA program.

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Students interested in studying Hadith will have choice to choose fulltime time or part time or can choose individual course according to their interest and study at self paced self schedule by following curriculum schedule of course. Students interested in Psychology Department will have choice to choose fulltime time or part time or can choose individual course according to their interest and study at self paced self schedule by following curriculum schedule of course. Students interested in Islamic Department will have choice to choose fulltime time or part time or can choose individual course according to their interest and study at self paced self schedule by following curriculum schedule of course. Our mission is to provide easiest flexible and convenient payment method, that would encourage students to register and still get degree with same curriculum with higher paid universities.


Hadith Narrator Index Reduce your research time by using Narrator Index to quickly find hadith by a specific narrator. An-Nawawi A collection of the 42 Ahadith of Prophet Muhammad compiled by the Islamic Scholar Yahia bin Sharaful-Deen An-Nawawi. Online Quran Classes for boys girls, adults and sisters from professional certified teachers. It starts from Alif, Baa, Taa and then maintain your Tajweed under qualified teachers.

ALIM offers 200+ free diploma courses and 10+ majors within Islam. The students will be trained and will practice in academic writing to have a strong foundation in providing academic work. The courses are not generic courses, but the students will have to work hard to build a strong foundation in Islam so that they will be able to be strong teachers of Islam. The academic writing practice will help students to be more powerful in later years when reaching MA and PhD programs, so it will be easy for them to work on projects that they would feel easy. ALIM has developed in a way that will not leave any part of learning of academic programs, that requires to dig deeply in research, hard working presentation projects and writing assignments, arguments and defending statement.

Read and learn authentic Ahadith texts collected and compiled by various Imams and scholars – Sahih Al-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Fiqh-us-Sunnah, Tirmidhi, Al-Muwatta, Qudsi, An-Nawawi, and Sunan of Abu Dawood. Change English and Arabic font settings to your comfort level and navigate between the hadith volumes, hadith books, and hadith numbers. All Ahadith collected and presented in one place with ease of navigation and detailed presentation.

At ALIM University Global Campus, our online degrees provide a flexible way for busy adults to fit education needs into their lives. ALIM education system allow you to study whenever and wherever is convenient for you. Each online course is taken one at your free time and keep moving on for whole semester according to schedule. – Ahadith are now …

Students will have choice to choose part time or fulltime student or individual self paced and own schedule courses in which they feel comfortable studying in their any convenient time. Arabic courses chosen of Madinah Arabic Books that will take about 3 years. Many Muslims due to busy life, unable to setup schedule going to Masjid or have a problem of setting up schedule. ALIM has qualified teachers, that the students will setup schedule with the teacher and continue the program of memorizing the Quran.

ALIM University offers Quran classes for girls and sisters, who has a hesitation communicating with male teachers. The female teachers will teach online Quran classes with Tajweed and also includes package of teaching and helping in memorizing Duas from Sunnah. As the sisters are busy in house work, they will have options to interact with teachers and setup their own schedule. ALIM offers majors complete upto MA in Majors within Islam Aqeedah, Hadith, Tafsir, History, Dawah, Etc. and further certification programs like Prophet Medicine, Islamic counseling and much more.

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